Pid Control Realization Analog

ECE 3412 - Classic Control Systems

Problem In this lab we will be working with an analog PI controller. This is important for understanding of this course because everything up to this point was done in hardware, MatLab was doing a lot behind the scenes that we were unaware of. This was part of the reason... [Read More]
Tags: matlab, simulink, arduino, hardware, programming, signal, motor, control, feedback, circuit, analog, pid

Signal to Noise Ratio and Filtering

ECE 3522 - Stochastic Processes in Signals and Systems

Problem Chapter 10 of Fundamentals of Applied Probability and Random Processes by Oliver-C-Ibe introduces applied concepts for stochastic processes. A stochastic process is one where the output contains a component of randomness. In this assignment we combine knowledge from Signals and Systems with Stochastic Systems and observe what trends we... [Read More]
Tags: random, noise, autocorrelation, fourier transform, statistics, software, matlab, programming

Analytic Approach To Determining Closedloop Gain For A Second Order DC Motor System

ECE 3412 - Classic Control Systems

Problem Previously we have only experimented with implementing PID controllers into our systems, but sometimes we want to adjust the amount of correction in of PID controllers. A feedback system with proportional gain can easy adjustment to PID controllers without having to adjust the PID itself. Adjusting the proportional gain... [Read More]
Tags: matlab, simulink, arduino, hardware, programming, signal, pid, root locus, control, motor, feedback

Central Limit Theorem

ECE 3522 - Stochastic Processes in Signals and Systems

Problem The central limit theorem states that no matter the underlying distribution as long as you have a relatively uniform mean and variance the sum of the distributions will become normal. In our experiment we will develop our own function that creates a uniform distribution with a number of samples... [Read More]
Tags: random, Box-Muller, distribution, statistics, speech, software, matlab, programming

PID Feedback Control of a DC motor using Experimental set-up | Man vs. Machine

ECE 3412 - Classic Control Systems

Problem In Lab 6 we go head to head and challenge ourselves to see if we can manually control the feedback network better than a PI controller can. In our Man vs Machine challenge we are controlling the speed of a DC motor. Our system is built inside MatLab’s Simulink... [Read More]
Tags: matlab, simulink, arduino, hardware, programming, signal, pid, motor, control, feedback